@misc{a+private+estate+as+an+important+unit+of+the+urban+planning+structure+of+the+late+nineteenth+century+the+early+twentieth+century+and+the+significance+of+historical+and+architectural+site+plans+in+the+preservation+of+the+historical+urban+environment, author = {Orlenko, Mykola i Ivashko, Yuliia}, title = {A private estate as an important unit of the urban-planning structure of the late nineteenth century – the early twentieth century and the significance of historical and architectural site plans in the preservation of the historical urban environment}, journal = {Środowisko Mieszkaniowe = Housing Environment }, address = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Katedry Kształtowania Środowiska Mieszkaniowego. Wydział Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej}, date = {2019}, number = {nr 26}, ISSN = {1731-2442} }