@misc{a+comparative+analysis+of+the+results+of+terrestrial+laser+scanning+and+numerical+modelling+for+assessing+the+stability+of+a+road+embankment+on+the+active+landslide+on+the+just+mountain+at+tegoborze+at+just+tegoborze, author = {Pilecka, Elżbieta i Manterys, Tomasz i Szwarkowski, Dariusz}, title = { A comparative analysis of the results of terrestrial laser scanning and numerical modelling for assessing the stability of a road embankment on the active landslide on the Just mountain at Tęgoborze at Just – Tęgoborze}, journal = {Technical Transactions}, address = {Kraków}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo PK}, date = {2019}, number = {Vol. 116, iss. 12}, ISSN = {0011-4561} }