@misc{from+a+mansion+to+a+tenement+house+the+evolution+and+preservation+of+the+historical+development+of+ukrainian+cities+from+the+late+nineteenth+and+early+twentieth+centuries, author = {Chernyshev, Denys i Ivashko, Yulia i Ivashko, Oleksandr i Dmytrenko, Andrii i Ciepłucha, Wojciech}, title = {From a mansion to a tenement house: the evolution and preservation of the historical development of Ukrainian cities from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries}, journal = {Wiadomości Konserwatorskie}, address = {Warszawa}, publisher = {Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków}, date = {2023}, number = {nr 73}, ISSN = {0860-2395} }