@misc{classification+of+grape+seed+residues+from+distillation+industries+in+europe+according+to+the+polyphenol+composition+highlights+the+influence+of+variety+geographical+origin+and+color, author = {Munsch, Thibaut i Malinowska, Magdalena Anna i Unlubayir, Marianne i Ferrier, Manon i Abdallah, Cecile i Gemin, Marin-Pierre i Billet, Kevin i Lanoue, Arnaud}, title = {Classification of grape seed residues from distillation industries in Europe according to the polyphenol composition highlights the influence of variety, geographical origin and color}, journal = {Food Chemistry: X}, publisher = {Elsevier B.V.}, date = {2024}, number = {Volume 22}, ISSN = {2590-1575} }