@misc{physicochemical+structural+and+biological+characterisation+of+poly+3+hydroxyoctanoate+supplemented+with+diclofenac+acid+conjugates+harnessing+the+potential+in+the+construction+of+materials+for+skin+regeneration+processes, author = {Haraźna, Katarzyna i Fricker, Annabelle T. i Konefał, Rafał i Medaj, Aneta i Zimowska, Małgorzata i Leszczyński, Bartosz i Wróbel, Andrzej i Bojarski, Andrzej J. i Roy, Ipsita i Guzik, Maciej}, title = {Physicochemical, structural and biological characterisation of poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate) supplemented with diclofenac acid conjugates - harnessing the potential in the construction of materials for skin regeneration processes}, journal = {International Journal of Biological Macromolecules}, publisher = {Elsevier B.V.}, date = {2024}, number = {Vol. 268, Part 1, 31476}, ISSN = {0141-8130} }