§ 1
1. The digital repository of the Cracow University of Technology called the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology (RPK) is created in order to make more accessible and promote the achievements of the scientific and research activity of the
Cracow University of Technology.
2. The repository is managed by the Library of the Cracow University of Technology.
3. The repository contains collected, permanently archived and shared digital versions of works of employees and students of the Cracow University of Technology.
4. Depositing and sharing the resources of the repository is carried out on-line via the Redo system.
5. The resources of the Cracow University of Technology Digital Library (BCPK) are part of the Repository.
6. The regulations specify the rules for the collection, depositing and sharing as well as the security policy of the works published in the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology.
§ 2
1. The Repository of the Cracow University of Technology (RPK) is a digital archive of deposited scientific, didactic and other resources related to the activities of the Cracow University of Technology.
2. The Repository of the Cracow University of Technology collects materials whose authors are
employees or students of the Cracow University of Technology or whose publisher is the Cracow University of Technology and digital versions of the collections of the Cracow University of Technology Library (BPK).
3. The following published and unpublished types of works are collected in the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology: articles from magazines, books, chapters or fragments of books, research results and scientific reports, scientific
reports, dissertations, patents, conference materials and presentations, materials for didactic classes, materials related to the units of the Cracow University of Technology.
4. The materials collected can include:
- preprints
- postprints
- published versions
§ 3
1. The employees and students of the Cracow University of Technology are the persons authorized to deposit materials in the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology.
2. The depositing of works takes place directly via the Redo system (on the basis of self-archiving of own works) or indirectly (on the basis of archiving by the editors of the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology).
3. Depositaries shall make the publications in the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology available free of charge, on the basis of open Creative Commons licenses or an indefinite non-exclusive license granted to the Cracow University
of Technology, in line with the model attached to the Regulations.
4. The licensing takes place while depositing materials in the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology, as one of the elements of the archiving process.
5. The process of depositing materials in the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology ends with the verification and correction of the description of the resource (metadata) performed by the designated editors of the Repository of the
Cracow University of Technology.
6. The author bears full responsibility for the materials placed and is also liable for any infringement of copyrights and property rights of third parties.
7. Any materials violating the Regulations can be removed by the administrator of the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology without the author's consent. This provision applies to resources in relation to which a copyright infringement
has been reported.
§ 4
1. The metadata of the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology is made available without restrictions via the Internet.
2. The resources of the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology are made available in accordance with licenses granted by the depositaries of the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology.
3. Access to the resources of the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology is carried out with respect for copyrights, on the basis of non-exclusive licenses, provided free of charge by the authors of the works in accordance with § 3
section 4 of the Regulations.
4. The resources of the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology can be used in accordance with the license terms assigned to individual resources.
§ 5
1. The papers placed in the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology constitute intellectual property of authors and are protected in accordance with copyright law.
2. The repository resources are stored indefinitely while maintaining the data security policy.
3. The papers deposited in the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology are not subject to withdrawal by the authors.
4. Changes to the content of deposited materials are not allowed.
5. In exceptional situations, upon the request of the author, it is possible to update or delete the deposited material only through the administrator of the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology.