What does the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology offer?
The Repository of the Cracow University of Technology (RPK) makes available on the Web digital resources of various types, including scientific and didactic, related to the activities of the Cracow University of Technology. The Repository of the Cracow University of Technology operates on to the principle of auto-archiving, enabling the University employees and students to independently publish works to which they have copyrights.

Who can use the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology?
Everybody can use the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology. By definition, access to documents is open to all interested parties. However, there are a few restrictions, some resources are available only for logged-in users, those from the area of the Cracow University of Technology or the Cracow University of Technology Library, the remaining resources are generally available.

What to do to start using the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology?
In order to use the resources of the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology, just visit the website: . Descriptions of the resources and some resources are publicly available. Some of the resources are available only after logging in or from the area of the Cracow University of Technology or the Cracow University of Technology Library. The availability of the resource can be checked in the box: "Access rights".

Does the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology provide information about the book, does it still provide a summary or maybe even the full text?
The Repository of the Cracow University of Technology is not the Cracow University of Technology Library computer catalogue, but a "virtual digital resource store related to the Cracow University of Technology". The repository makes available on the Web both descriptions of resources (metadata) and resources (files of various formats). Depending on the author's decision, the resource may be: an abstract, table of contents, a part of the publication, a full text or an audio / video file. Finding a resource in the repository is not tantamount to having this resource by the Library in a printed version.

Who can deposit works in Repository of the Cracow University of Technology?
Students, doctoral students and employees of the Cracow University of Technology have the possibility to deposit works in the Repository of the Cracow University of Technology.

Can a person who is not an author publish a publication in the repository?
Yes, provided that the person has the consent of the author to place the publication in the repository and the appropriate license. The depositor assumes full responsibility for the infringement of copyrights to the posted document. Anyone who distributes someone else's work without the consent of the author faces a fine, a penalty of restriction of liberty or imprisonment.

Can I submit a publication in Repository of the Cracow University of Technology that I previously published in a magazine or a publishing house?
It depends on the content of the agreement signed with the publisher. The agreement should be verified carefully. If we do not have an agreement, you can use the Sherpa / Romeo service to check what policy the publisher uses with repsect to open institutional repositories. More and more publishers agree to such a deposit. In the absence of this information in the Sherpa / Romeo service, you can always directly ask the publisher about the possibility of depositing the publication in the repository. The issue of the scope of the rights necessary to deposit material in the repository concerns proprietary copyrights. When it comes to making it available in the repository, all you need is the right to exploit the online field (the right to digital reproduction and to make it publicly available so that everyone could have access to it in the place and time chosen by them). However, if the author wants to additionally grant users CC-BY licenses for the material being made available, he must have virtually all property rights, as the CC-BY license covers all known fields of exploitation.

What is pre-print?
Pre-print is the initial version of the work (formerly known as the manuscript), which has not gone through the reviewing and publishing procedures of publishers.

Can I put a pre-print in the repository?
Yes, pre-prints can always be placed in the repository.

What is post-print?
Post-print is a scientific article after reviews and corrections published in a scientific journal (the final version of the text).

Can I post a post-print in the repository?
Check the publisher's policy on depositing work in open institutional repositories at Sherpa / Romeo and / or review the content of the agreement with the publisher.

Is it allowed to deposit my work in the repository if it has many authors?
Yes, but you should get their consent, all you need is an e-mail. Co-authors usually understand the need to deposit works in their own repository. Submission of works to the repository takes place on the basis of a non-exclusive license, which does not require a written form.

Can I place unpublished works in the repository?
Scientific papers can be published in the repository, regardless of whether they have already been published elsewhere or not. The author only has to make sure that subsequent publishing agreements, concluded after the work has been made available in the repository, do not deprive him of the right to make it available.

Can I only deposit a link to the source or abstract in the repository?
No. It is necessary to deposit full texts of publications.

Is my work protected in the repository?
Yes. The repository is, by definition, open, i.e. all works are made available for free on the Internet in accordance with the will of the authors, but within the scope of fair use, which means that they are protected by copyright.

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