Presence of contaminants in refrigerant and their effect on refrigeration cycle
Skrzyniowska, Dorota
Opublikowane w
Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
vol. 8, no. 2
Data wydania
David Publishing Company
Słowa kluczowe
refrigeration system, compression system, lubrication, oil, modeling, air conditioning, compressed air, thermodynamic, specific enthalpy
Refrigerant is a medium used in refrigeration cycle. Until now in thermodynamic models and calculations of refrigerant is not considered with lubricant and moist air but as an ideal pure gas (without any contaminants). This is also the case in refrige ration cycle where the refrigerant is very often considered as an ideal one. Lubricant, air and water vapour are not considered in thermod ynamic calculations in spite of their existence. The problems in the existing research are summarized. A further study is sug gested on refrigerant systems. This circulation of such calculations is at the origin of a deviation from a theoretical behaviour. This article aims at reviewing the researches of oil refrigerant, air refrigerant, moist air refrigerant or oil moist air ref rigerant mixtures and focuses particularly on mixture enthalpy calculation. This paper deals with the description of the real mixture of refrigerant and co ntaminants (lubricant, water, moist air and other remains of refrigerants at elevated pressures and t emperatures) which flow in a refrigerating cycle and the main point of this paper is to appoint thermodynamic parameters of such a mixture using the thermodynamic formulas.