HaliTeddies are made of carnosic acid present in rosemary and aim to inhibit the action of halitosis causing bacteria. A need for this product was identified due to the mandatory use of facial masks because of COVID-19, which has had a negative outcome when it comes to breathe malodour. A vegan gummy bear product was selected as the best idea to satisfy this need since it is an appealing approach for a younger audience of 15- to 49-year-olds. The strategy for production includes rosemary being bought from a national producer, whereas extraction of the active principle, production, and packaging is done at the production facilities. Lastly, an economic analysis has shown that this project requires an investment of 7 M€. The product would be sold at pharmacies at a retail price of 11.99 €. This analysis has shown that HaliTeddies may be considered to be a profitable and viable business.