The unique profiles of betacyanins as well as their stability and antioxidant activity in purple leaf extracts of thefast-growing, soft-stemmed vine Basella alba L. var. ’Rubra’, known as Malabar spinach, are partly characterizedfor the first time. The distribution of gomphrenin and its acylated derivatives in the leaves is completely differentfrom the profiles of the pigments in the fruits. The most abundant acylated pigment in leaves (24%) turned out 6′-O-E-sinapoyl-gomphrenin (gandolin), however, the most significant difference in the pigment profiles is apresence of two novel pigments tentatively identified as highly abundant 6′-O-(3,4-dimethoxy-E-cinnamoyl)-gomphrenin and 6′-O-(3,4,5-trimethoxy-E-cinnamoyl)-gomphrenin as well as their isoforms. Significant degra-dation of the pigments in the fruit extracts under the impact of selected metal cations and UV–Vis irradiation aswell as high protective activity of the leaf extract matrix were observed. Partial chromatographic purification ofthe leaf extract resulted in an increase of the pigment concentration which was correlated positively with theincreased antioxidant activity of obtained fractions.
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
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