Instytucjonalna Polityka Otwartości i rozwiązania służące jej realizacji
Wariant tytułu
Institutional Open-Access Policy and Solution for its Implementation
Górski, Marek M.
Buzdygan, Dorota
Lipińska, Dorota
Data powstania
IATUL Seminar 2019 Gdańsk
The following presentation demonstrates actions that preceded introduction of open access policy to scientific publications at the Cracow University of Technology. These included, among others: creation of institutional repository, providing access to doctoral thesis, introduction of open licenses for scientific journals published at the Cracow University of Technology, informational and educational actions in the field of OA. These works were carried out in accordance with guidelines contained in government documents and on the basis of practical solutions implemented in this area around the world. As a consequence of these actions the Rector of CUT issued an ordinance on 22 March 2019 introducing the Open Access Policy at the Cracow University of Technology. The presentation illustrates the key stages of work related to the preparation and implementation of this document.