Beauty of modern architecture can not be considered without reminding – even superficial – about criteria of beauty which were compulsory up to 20 Century. Beauty of architecture since the beginning used definitions announced by Wirtuwiusz: utilitas, firmitas, venustas. Wirtuwiusz wrote in his „De architectura libri decem” – „It is obligation of architect to design buildings both: stable, useful and beautiful.” Beauty of the building base on harmony, because „architecture can not exist without understanding of music, architecture is like music, it is harmony which you can see.” Architecture should provide then an esthetical experiences on similarity of music. More than fifty years of modern architecture taught us to look at the work of architecture like on composition of forms and blocks. Architecture up to beginning of 20 Century carried many different meanings. Symbolic was one of most important component of architecture and predominated over other component like beauty, poetics or mood. As it wrote Sas-Zubrzycki – „Construction is a base of architecture and architecture is embellishing the construction ”. Noticing fact that architecture plays more remarkable role in public life, designers wanted to express more ideological, religious or „outlook on life” contents and connected with them feelings of monumentality, gravity and esteem.
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640000 Architektura
Faculty of Architecture
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