Wizerunek dzienny i nocny obiektu – poszanowanie czy kontestacja?
Variant of the title
Day and night „building illustration” – to respect or to reject the intentions of the building creator?
Czora, Grażyna
Published in
Czasopismo Techniczne. Architektura
R. 104, Z. 13, 6-A
Release date
Place of publication
Wydawnictwo PK
The possibility of perceiving the reality is one of the manifestations of the relationship between the light and our life. It is the light that awakes a whole spectrum of emotions. Light: revealing, dematerializing form, emphasizing materials, unifying or separating space, creating a focus, developing a hierarchy. It can be contemplative, festive, theatrical, metaphorical and symbolic.
The art of illumination of architectural objects, which enables us to determine the duration of the light layer, seems to be a response of architectural art to the requirements of MTV civilization. We can determine two basic groups of factors influencing the reception of this art: external, i.e. architectural, technical, material and internal: physiological and psychological. Each of the factors participates in the reception and interpretation of visual scene created by artificial light. It is pivotal to define the aim of illumination. It can be: security, information and advertisement, identification of the place, creation of a single informative sign.
The intended designing aims can be achieved by different lightening methods: ambient, spot and decorative, two-ply. Both methods could create „the beauty or the beast”. Better is, of course, not to create the beasts from lighting building. If it happens not only once… you may also create yourself as second: Madame Florence Foster Jenkins – in this case: the worst lighting designer of the world.
PKT classification
640000 Architektura
Zbiory cyfrowe BPK
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